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Edinburgh Clean

0131 285 2890


Ways of Protecting Your Staff and Customers From the Coronavirus

There’s no doubt that these are strange times we are living in. With the Coronavirus at pandemic levels we are all naturally thinking about our families and friends and how we can protect them. As a local business EdinburghClean.co.uk are concerned about our customers too and want to help where we can.

As COVID-19 spreads, hygiene should be a top priority and businesses are responsible for taking all necessary steps, and to put in place robust procedures to ensure the safety of their staff and customers. This is not always easy if you don’t have the right resources and equipment, as well as an understanding of what methods to use to protect people from the Coronavirus. That’s where EdinburghClean.co.uk can help.

EdinburghClean.co.uk is experienced in providing bespoke consultation regarding increased hygiene and decontamination to population dense areas such as public buildings, pubs, clubs and office buildings as well as hotels and transport hubs.

As a fast moving, ever changing situation with a virus that is now pandemic, it can be difficult for businesses to keep up with COVID-19 developments. EdinburghClean.co.uk has been rigorously following the recommendations and advice given about the Coronavirus by organisations such as Public Health England and the World Health Organisation. As a result, we are able to provide detailed reports and method statements in order to alter current hygiene practices so you can be more effective in providing safety.

At a time of increased vigilance, it is important that businesses adapt their methods of dealing with COVID-19 and accommodate the advice given by the relevant authorities. EdinburghClean.co.uk can help you do this. We can also provide advice to smaller businesses in an effort to help these companies continue trading during this challenging climate.

For more information about the services we offer as well as reliable and informed advice about the current pandemic, please contact EdinburghClean.co.uk.

What Our Customers Say:

Carpet looks great, and smell has gone.

Mr B
Call out after soot spill on carpet

Windows look so much better!

Ms T
Windows cleaned after renovation work next door
Grosvenor Crescent

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