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Edinburgh Clean

0131 285 2890


Render Staining Removal in Edinburgh

More and more homes are being rendered. There seems to be several reasons for this, not least because render can make a property look more modern and contemporary and can create a crisper, cleaner look than the more traditional appearance of brickwork.

From a practical perspective, render protects brickwork from the elements and can prevent damp problems. In and around Scotland this can be particularly advantageous. However, there are lots of things that can cause staining on rendering and when this happens, the beautiful clean, wall of the building can look dirty, ruining the appearance.

Dirt and grime, pollution, algae and moss, bird droppings and rust can all stain the render, but with specialist render staining removal in Edinburgh, Edinburgh Clean can have the render on your building back to its original appearance. We can remove unwanted render staining from windowsills and other areas.

We use a range of tried and tested methods for render staining removal in Edinburgh that work, but that are not invasive or damaging to the render. We can restore the outward appearance to how it originally looked without the need for repainting the surface. We use specialist cleaning machines and solutions that will thoroughly clean the surface. We use the Doff cleaning system, for render staining removal in Edinburgh, which uses low pressure steam and will effectively remove all visible staining.

If render is regularly cleaned it will extend its longevity as well as maintain good visual appearance. If you would like to find out more about staining removal in Edinburgh, please give Edinburgh Clean a ring on 0131 285 2890.

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EdinburghClean.co.uk provides a range of cleaning services throughout Edinburgh and the Lothians.

What Our Customers Say:

Carpet looks great, and smell has gone.

Mr B
Call out after soot spill on carpet

Windows look so much better!

Ms T
Windows cleaned after renovation work next door
Grosvenor Crescent

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