Commercial Carpet Cleaning Livingston
Looking for Commercial Carpet Cleaning in Livingston?
With this particular job there were lots of stains and traffic marks on the carpet as this is a high traffic area with residents constantly walking up and down the stairs. We carried out a bespoke cleaning service tailored to the needs of the stair carpet and requirements of our client. This involved removing stains and improving the condition of the carpet with a thorough clean using appropriate products. This in turn created better hygiene and improved the smell of the carpet. In fact, after the communal stair carpet cleaning had been completed, residents commented on the pleasant smell of the carpet and noted the vast improvement to the look and feel of it. You can see the results from the pictures included.
Because communal areas in any building endure a high level of usage it’s important that communal stair carpets are regularly cleaned and maintained. While there is an immediate cost involved in the short term, in the long term it is much more cost effective as the cost for communal stair carpet cleaning is less than 10% of a full carpet replacement, so commercial carpet cleaning is an economic method of keeping communal areas looking their best.
If you require a professional commercial carpet cleaning service, or your property specifically requires communal stair carpet cleaning, ring Edinburgh Clean on 0131 285 2890. We also offer recommend and offer a regular cleaning of communal stair and commercial carpet cleaning in Livingston.
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